Forest Ecosystem Modeling

Data science competition for cross-site delineation and classification of individual trees from airborne remote sensing data

Delineating and classifying individual trees in remote sensing data is challenging. Many tree crown delineation methods have difficulty in closed-canopy forests and do not leverage multiple datasets. Methods to classify individual species are often …

Rethinking global carbon storage potential of trees. A comment on Bastin et al.(2019)

Bastin et al. 2019 use two flawed assumptions: 1) that the area suitable for restoration does not contain any carbon currently, and 2) that soil organic carbon (SOC) from increased canopy cover will accumulate quickly enough to mitigate anthropogenic …

The role of respiration in estimation of net carbon cycle: coupling soil carbon dynamics and canopy turnover in a novel version of 3D-CMCC forest ecosystem model

Understanding the dynamics of organic carbon mineralization is fundamental in forecasting biosphere to atmosphere net carbon ecosystem exchange (NEE). With this perspective, we developed 3D-CMCC-PSM, a new version of the hybrid process based model …

Biophysical effects on temperature and precipitation due to land cover change

Here goes the summary of the abstract